RogersHistory Online CPD Courses
Complete CPD packages customised for your needs
Videos, interactive quizzes and downloadable resources
CPD in your own time, at your own pace
Lifetime Access - go back again and again
Cost effective solution for teachers and schools
Individual teacher accounts and school analytics
Want a whole school license? Get in touch
Chris Mayoh
Award Winning Educator and Consultant
"These courses are fantastic for the new and experienced teacher alike. They give a number of simple practical suggestions for how to get students learning in an active and motivating way in any classroom. They are very cost effective for individuals and institutions. Highly recommended."
Olivia Purdy
History Teacher in London
“I attended face to face training with Tom at my school in London. It was by far the most useful teaching training session I’ve attended in my teaching career to date (NQT). Excellent opportunity to share and learn specific teaching strategies.”
Kate Jones
Teacher, Author, Blogger @87history
"These are fantastic, informative and useful courses. All teachers can benefit greatly from them. All the themes are interesting and clearly explained. I will be promoting these courses to the teachers in my school because I believe them to be so valuable. Thank you very much."