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Hitler's Rise to Power

Have you ever wondered how Adolf Hitler became leader of Germany? How did a man who was such a "down and out" in the 1920's become the "Fuhrer" of the German Nation and its people?

  1. The weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution + Quiz

  2. The depression in Germany

  3. Nazi Propaganda posters

  4. How did Hitler become chancellor? + Qiuz

  5. How did Hitler consolidate his power?

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Click here for all the resources for this unit

The weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution

Tutorial exploring the strengths and weaknesses of the new consistution set up by the Weimar Republic in 1919.

Tutorial explaining how the global recession of the early 1930's effected Germany.

The Depression in Germany
Nazi Propaganda Posters

An analysis of several Nazi Propaganda posters that were used to convince people to vote for Hitler.

How did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?

Tutorial explaining the main reasons for Hitler's victory in the 1932 and 1933 elections.

How did Hitler consolidate his power?

Tutorial explaining how Hitler made his position secure after becoming chancellor of Germany.

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